
This week on Ask Me Anything about Evernote we have questions from John and Larry.

If you have a question you’d love an answer to then leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

John asks:

1. I want to do an exact search of specific words e.g. search for ice cream. I only want a search that has both names I don't want to see all the ice and all the creams only want the "ice cream". I tried + between the words and " quotation marks neither worked. Is there a solution?

2. Can I create a template for normal text and headers that will be constant for all documents? Not interested in creating a template. Can I create more than one normal text like I have more than one header?

3. In tasks, is there some way it can alarm, text, or better get my attention that an item is due? If I don't go to the tasks section, I don't remember which tasks need to be done, a popup on screen would be helpful.

Larry asks:

Has EN considered actually adding the ability to trigger an alarm for important tasks, instead of just a notification?

Thanks for watching. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you have it in your pocket to offer some support you can tip me a coffee here.

All the best


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