
This week on Ask Me Anything about Evernote we have questions from Rachel and John.

If you have a question you’d love an answer to then leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

Rachel asks:

I don't see the point of AI search as I find it quicker to get to notes using the standard search. Am I using it right?

John asks:

Hi Jon, I was wondering if the Evernote Experts Community have had any discussions with Evernote concerning the state of their quality assurance. As much as I like many of the new additions, it seems they break more things than they fix and do little to no quality testing prior to releasing new versions. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of being a beta tester. They really need to have an opt-in beta program instead of using their user base. Thanks for listening.

Thanks for watching. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you have it in your pocket to offer some support you can tip me a coffee here.

All the best


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