How does Evernote manage its software updates?
Newsletter housekeeping: The current version for Mac and PC is 10.94.3 (10.95.4 was released & then pulled quickly due to some issues with it). You can download it from the Evernote website or wait for in-app updates. The latest Android & iOS version is 10.95.2.
The way Evernote updates their software and rolls out new features can be a little confusing, sometimes you'll see that a new release is out but when you click "Check for updates" in the help menu it says you're on the latest version.
From what I can gather the update process is quite fluid, not rigid or fixed.
For example, when a new release happens not everyone gets it at the same time, but if it’s a serious bug fix everyone may get it very quickly. The choice is down to how Evernote release each particular version.
The reason for the roll-out updates is if there's a big bug, they can pull the release quickly and only a small number of people are affected. If the version was released to everyone at the same time, everyone would have the bug and support would be swamped.
New Evernote Feature Updates
Generally speaking, new features should land straight away with the software updates so if you see new features mentioned in the release notes, more often than not you'll get them with the update.
You can find the release notes in the help menu.
If you don't see the new feature right away then do a log out and log back in again.
Features like the new code blocks, quote blocks and audio transcriptions landed pretty much straight away.
Every now and then, especially with larger features or changes to the infrastructure or sync processes of Evernote the feature roll out may take a little time.
For example, a new feature may go out to only 1% of users so that Evernote can spot issues, look at the engagement levels with the feature and make changes before more people get it.
This doesn't happen that often and usually with big updates or changes, if you think you should have an update and can’t see it this could be the reason.
If you're not sure about an update head over to the Taming the Trunk chat and ask the question, others may or may not have an update and can share experiences.
Let’s go through how Evernote updates the app for each platform.
Evernote Windows Updates
There are two slightly different versions of the Windows app. The one from the Microsoft App Store and the direct download from the Evernote download page.
There's a subtle difference. Microsoft store apps run in a sandbox and not everything works the same. I believe the feature to move the location of Evernote data is not available.
If you want to update straight away you can go into the app store and download the new version manually.
The direct download version is totally unrestricted and it’s the one I use.
So, for the Windows Store app the release usually takes 7 days and by day 5 around 50% of folks have it, by day 7 it’s at 100%.
If you use the direct download version of Evernote then the release tends to be over 5 days and hits 50% by day 3 and 100% by day 5.
Evernote Mac Updates
These run in a similar way to Windows.
There's an App Store version and a direct download version available from the Evernote website.
The App Store version updates over 7 days and has small restrictions as it runs in a sandbox so like Windows, I believe the feature to store your Evernote data anywhere is only available using the direct download version.
If you get your Evernote from the App Store then around 20% of folk will get the update within 5 days with the roll out reaching 100% after 7 days.
If you want the latest version now, you can manually update in the app store.
If you use the direct download version then the update happens over 5 days. After 3 days 50% of folk should have the update with it reaching 100% by day 5.
Evernote Web Updates
Nothing to do here. The update will just happen and you can't force an update in any way.
The roll out typically goes out over 5 days with 50% of folk getting it by day 3 and everyone by day 5.
Evernote Android Updates
Android updates are kind of at the mercy of Google.
Once Evernote sends in a new version its released over a 7 - 14 day period that's pretty much controlled by the Google Play Store.
This explains why I sometimes get an update quickly and other times it can take over a week.
Evernote iOS Updates
If you use iOS then the update tends to happen over a 7 day period with around 20% of devices getting the update by the 5th day and 100% by day 7.
If you want to update a little quicker you can go to the app store and update manually.
So that's kind of how updates happen for the different platforms and why your Mac maybe on one version and your Android or Windows device are on a different one.
Keep mashing that update button!
If you have questions, post them in the comments.
Have a great weekend
All the best