
This week on Ask Me Anything about Evernote we have questions from Debbie and William.

If you have a question you’d love an answer to then leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

Debbie asks:

Can you explain the switch to feature? I feel I should be using it but I'm not sure what for.

William asks:

I would love to be able to click on a saved-search embedded in a note rather than having to leave my note and look for the pertinent saved-search elsewhere. For example, in a note dedicated to a particular client, I could click on a saved search that would give me all other notes referencing that client. Or in a note on a particular topic (e g., the Civil War), I could click on a saved-search for all notes referencing the Civil War. Any talk of providing that ability? Any obvious reason it would be difficult to implement? Any clever work-arounds until my wish is granted? Would many others find that ability useful?

Thanks for watching. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you found this useful and have it in your pocket to offer some support you can tip me a coffee here.

All the best


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